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Splinters won't go away on their own

Monday, February 6, 2017

In December, Catherine I went on a date to Board-n-Brush in downtown Denver where we created a some wooden signs for our home. We sanded, built, painted and stained our projects in just a couple of hours. It was a great date night. 

While sanding the boards, I got a splinter in the palm of my left hand. As of today (February 6th), it is still in my hand. I have tried on several occasions to play doctor and remove the splinter that is very deep in my palm. Every time I performed the surgical procedure, I would eventually stop digging when I got close to the splinter. It got so painful that I could not continue. I have actually touched the splinter a couple of time with my knife and tweezers, but the pain it shot pain through my hand that was so intense that I was not willing to continue. 

I am assuming that eventually, the splinter will fester up and get infected and I will have to go to a real Doctor. He will dig and get the splinter, he will see that it is causing me great pain, but he will also see the value of removing the foreign object so that my hand can heal.

I have learned that there are times that we experience emotional splinters. Whether it is due to a bad driver next to us on the road, an unrelenting boss, a horrible work environment, hurtful words with spouse, or whatever. We get these splinters in our heart that just wont go away. When we try to address them, we often times give up due to the pain it causes when we get close to the problem.

I want to encourage you today with this: time will help, but Jesus will heal. Time helps,  Jesus heals. Friends, we must remember that we have a Savior that knows pain, he knows rejection, he knows betrayal, he knows the sting of hurtful words. He is able to sympathize with your hurts.

It is good that we have friends to talk to and process these things that are stuck deep in our heart. But it is best to take them to Jesus and allow the master physician do what only he can do.

Do you have a splinter in your heart today? Are you hurting inside? Let me encourage you to take it to Jesus today. Don't put it off. He is waiting for you to come. He is able to handle your circumstance with care and compassion. He is gentle and able. He is strong and understanding.

The Great Physician is waiting today. Will you come to Jesus?

Bible Study:  Matthew 8:14-17

Can you think of other Scriptures that encourage us to take our hurts to the Lord?
