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Grace: The God who Stoops

Hello Friends,

What a great discussion last night.  I am still so impacted by the idea that grace is something that happens to us.  I appreciated all of you comments last night as we started this journey of growth.

As a result of never making it to chapter 2, you encouraged me to start a blog discussion about the chapter during the week, so here we go.

I don't know about you, but I love the idea of God stooping down to me.  Who am I that he would stoop down for me? In Max Lucado's opening story in the chapter about the woman that was caught in the very act of adultery, he makes the statement on page 18, "No one would speak for her.  But someone would stoop for her."  One of the big things that I hope we went away with last night was the fact that "grace is everything Jesus!"

"Grace is something that happens to us, it has a drenching about it, there is a wildness about it, riptide, turn-you-upside-downess about it.  Grace comes after you."

In chapter 2, on page 19 Lucado makes a statement I would like for us to discuss today:

I wonder how "Grace is a God who stoops," applies to us today?  How does it impact your life that Grace is a God who stoops? What would you say?

There are many accusers out there and there is one who is the master.  Will you listen the one who stands up in front of everyone and screams his accusations or will you listen to the One who stoops?
