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Making Wise Choices - FRIENDS

I have had so much feedback from this past weeks message dealing with friendships in our lives so I wanted to do a follow up.  We need to make wise choices about who we are allowing to have influence in our lives.
Proverbs 13:20 says, "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."
We need to first determine who or what are the influencers in our lives. Whether it is a person, place, thing, or attitude; we need to determine who or what is shaping our behaviors and attitudes.  One of the statements I have said for years is this: "You show me your friends and I will show you your future."  Make no mistake... behavior is modeled and attitudes are contagious.  Who or what is shaping you?
There are some friendships that need to be cut off and there are others that we simply need to stop watering.  Is it a person that is leading you toward a life that is contrary to the way God would instruct you to live?  Is it a place that you go on the internet? Have you become secret friends with a place on the web? Is it a possession that you are passionate about that has led you to have a greedy heart? What about an attitude? Sometimes, bitterness and anger and unforgiveness can keep us warm at night. Do you have an attitude that you need to let go?
Friends, I suggest we make these questions a part of our everyday living:
     1. Is it BEST? I am not taking about ok or good. I am talking about the BEST! The greatest enemy of "best" is "good."  I don't want you to just experience good.  I want the best for you.
     2. Does it BUILD? Does that friendship lead you toward godliness? Are you a better person because of that friendship? Does that friend lead you toward bad decisions and messing up? My desire for you is to be stronger everyday.
     3. Could it BIND?  Is it possible that this friendship could get you in trouble and put a strain on the other relationships in your life? Could it cost you your job, marriage, influence with your kids?
Ask God to give you direction in your friendships. Walk wisely in dealing with friends. Whether it is to cut it off or just stop watering... be wise.